miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

The London Dungeon

01- In what other class can you find a Dungeon theme park?
Amsterdam, Edinburg, Hamburg and York.

02- What date did the Great Fire of London take place?
2nd September 1666

03- How many people destituted (lost their home) in the great fire?
200,000 people destitute.

04- How many people did Jack the ripper murder?
Five people.

05- What was Sweeney Todd´s job?
Demon barber

06- What year did the Great Plage take place?
In 1665

07- How long does the tour last?
The tour lasts aprox 1-1,5 hours

08- What are the prices for adult, student and children tickets?
Adult $23.00  children $17.00  student $21.00

09- What dates have special opening and closing times?
Includes weekends and school holidays.

10- What  is the only day in the year when the ``Dungeon´´ is closed?
Closed for maiintenance 22nd-26th November.

11- What time does the ``Dungeon´´ open and close during this week?
10am  5pm.

12.- Birthday parties: which packages are available
Sweency Todd and Traitor.

13- What kind of parties take place at the ``Dungeon´´ qhen the night falls and visitors have left?
Codes nights.

14- Which is the closest underground station?
London bridge station.

15- What is a big four ticket?
London dangerous, madame Luseands, London Aquarium and London Eye.

lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010

All about me

My name is Jonathan Castro. I live in Chipiona. I am 15 years old. My birthday is 7th of May. I am one sister her name is Lorena and one brother his name is Jose Luis. I like Chipiona because of its beaches. I study at the school Caepionis. I want to be language teacher. I like football, my favourite teams is Real Madrid and my favourite player is Iker Casillas, I play football three days on the week with my friends, it is very funny. I don´t cooking, but i prefer reading, I am reading the book ``Viaje al centro de la Tierra´´ at the moment. I never go to shopping because I hate go to shopping.

My day is very boring by the morning but in the afternoon is very funny. I weak up about seven thirthy to go to school. When I arrive the school, I eat. Then I do the homewoork and I surf in the internet. Finally I have dinner about ten o´clock in a kitchen. I go to bed around half past eleven.